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Reader Comments
Dear Mr. Bradley,
I'd like to thank you for your book. I am still reading, but I bought it because I am
indeed fed up with the polarized climate our society is suffering.
In the book, you referred readers to firstgov.gov in order to find contact information
for their legislators. Firstgov is great, but it doesn't make it very easy to find out who
my legislators are. I wanted to let you know about
http://www.vote-smart.org. This site makes it even easier. All you have to do is enter
your 9-digit ZIP code, and it will list your state and federal elected officials.
Thanks again for this book. I will be crafting my letter in the near future.
Ken D.
Portland, OR
Excerpt of Prototype Letter
Your Name
Your Street Address
Your City, State and Zip
Name of the Organization
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Good Afternoon:
I recently read the book Neither Liberal Nor Conservative Be. I respectfully
request you and the members of your Party strongly consider the adaptation of its
The author wrote this book because he was disgusted by the unending confrontational
nature of polarized American Politics. He was furious with the approaches taken to solve our
national issues. So am I.
He asks in the book, if, while in the voting booth, I feel forced to choose between the
lesser of two evils. He asks if I find myself asking, "Is this the best we can do?" I have
to say what he wrote is how I feel and what I ask myself.
This book is an open letter to the political parties in the United States of America.
The book is written in much the same way that you might write a letter to car manufacturers
who are not producing a car you are willing to buy. While you might not expect that one of
them will give you 100 percent of what you want, you would hope that one of them could give
you 85-90 percent of your needs. In the same way, neither of the major political parties is
promoting the policies and candidates or taking the actions I can have 85-90 percent
agreement with. This book offers your party an opinion of what you must offer me in order to
consistently receive my vote. I agreed with enough of what this book has to say to write you
and tell you this is what I'm looking for. I didn't agree with everything and I'll tell you
more about that in a moment.